Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nation-building for a Flat World....

I saw a great post from Seth Godin's blog the other day. He was quoting Clay Shirkey. Post went like this:

Clay Shirky has noticed the trend of talented people putting five or six hours an evening to work instead of to waste. Add that up across a million or ten million people and the output is astonishing. He calls it cognitive surplus and it's one of the underappreciated world-changing stories of our time.

Ol Thought Coach (OTC) is the kind of guy who can get way behind this kind of thing. Abundance is law: shortages are created by humans.

Check out our for an experiment in social enterprise that could help close this gap.



  1. OTC -
    What are the 5-6 hours of effort being put forth toward? Their jobs, service learning, or external creative (entrepreneurial) activities?

  2. that's what we need to network my friend--just what that is and what we can offer it!!!
